Jean-Christophe Bach, Associate Professor at IMT Atlantique

The majority of my publications may be found on my hal page. I do have any Google account and I don’t use Google tools, therefore Google Scholar won’t be useful.



with x → jc and y → bach
Phone (+33) (0)2 29 00 15 73
Office D03-124
Public key 0x520E0E85EA19F34E / Fingerprint=A8C3 C208 1C6A 209B DE2A 2D6C 520E 0E85 EA19 F34E
ORCID 0000-0001-6986-1093
IdRef 181557193

Short bio


Research interests

I am interesting in improving trust in software systems. I am interesting in the product (software) and in the production process (the process to obtain the software system, from design to delivery) in order to improve the security of software systems.

Therefore I work to improve the software security from the beginning of the process. It is usually called « security by design ». It reduces the usual reactive process where software engineers wait for vulnerabilities to write a patch.

To achieve this goal, my main research interests are the following:

  • software engineering
  • traceability (of transformations, …)
  • software quality to improve security and safety
  • languages
  • security
  • model federation
  • transformations (of languages, models, programs,…)
  • formal methods
  • verification helpers
  • software (co-)evolution
  • software migration

Domains of application can easily change, however I am currently focusing on software security (“cybersecurity”) and Industry 4.0.

Current PhD students

I do not have an HDR, therefore PhDs are co-advised.

  1. Bruno Mateu, 03/2022 –
    • Traceability of transformations in obfuscating compilers (Traçabilité des transformations dans les compilateurs obfuscants)
    • Keywords: Traceability, compilation, debugging process, LLVM
    • Co-advised with F. Dagnat (PhD supervisor)
    • funded by Quarkslab
  2. Ouail Derghal, 01/2024 –
    • Secure Continuous Deployment for the Cloud
    • Keywords: Secure deployment,
    • Co-advised with F. Dagnat (PhD supervisor)
    • funded by PEPR Cloud, TrustInCloudS

Past PhD students

  1. Étienne Louboutin, 11/2016 – 01/2021
    • Software sensitivity to control flow hijack (Sensibilité de logiciels au détournement de flot de contrôle)
    • Keywords: Control flow hijack, Security-by-design, Sensitivity to attacks, Binary analysis
    • Defended on January the 11th 2021
    • Co-advised with F. Dagnat (PhD supervisor)
    • funded by Chaire de cyberdéfense des systèmes navals
  2. Benjamin Somers, 11/2020 – 05/2024
    • IT infrastructure modeling for risk identification and prevention (Modélisation d’infrastructures informatiques pour l’identification et la prévention des risques)
    • Keywords: Infrastructure modeling, risk management, model federation, formal verification, safety and securityb
    • Defended on May the 15th 2024
    • Co-advised with F. Dagnat (PhD supervisor)
    • funded by Arkea


I am mainly involved in the following courses:

  • TAF DCL (Collaborative Software Development)
    • IDL (Ingénierie du Développement Logiciel) – Software Development Engineering: responsible of the UE; lectures, practical work and contribution to FLOSS projects, VCS (Git), development environment, software quality, tests, agile methods (Scrum), build systems
    • MAPD (Méthodes Avancée et Processus de Développement) – Advanced Methods and Development Process: object-oriented design and programming, UML, Java, design patterns, software quality
    • CONC (Modélisation de la concurrence) – Concurrency modeling: FSP, Java
    • LANGLOG – Languages and Logics: formal méthods, languages, compilation, λ-calculus, OCaml
  • TAF ILSD (Software Development for Distributed Systems)
    • FIAB (Fiabilité) – Reliability: Elixir
    • CAD (Conception d’Applications Distribuées) – Distributed Applications Design:
    • last year project
  • FIP (1st year)
    • basics of C programming language (practical work)

I am the responsible for DCL track and for the IDL course.